

When Intel’s original Compute Stick was released awhile ago – many people had pretty big expectations about it. Nevertheless it ended up being a huge upset sales wise. Indeed, the idea of using computer of a USB flash drive was tempting, to say the least. Disadvantages it had though resulted in a mass market rejection (only one USB port?!). But now, with Intel’s second…
Still, the funniest thing about the phone might actually be the fact that despite being marketed now as the first ever smartphone made by Kodak, it really isn’t. Another smartphone called IM5 was released a bit before, resulting in a sort of lackluster set of reviews. But instead of discouraging the Kodak company, it instead made them anticipate a new model like a new fresh start. This meant a total redesign of the concept and essentially and at last – the logical and long-awaited shift of features focus to what the company is really good at – making cameras. But did this work?Basically, that bold run-down resulted in a 50/50 split. Half of respondents said that Ektra is better (especially at the locations of low visibility), while the other half said…it was the same. But none of them said that is was worse than either…

Eventually, the list of features that this cool new smartphone sports comes down to: awesome, 21MP main camera with Kodak non-reflective lens coating. Aperture f2.0; 3GB of RAM memory and 3000 maH capacity of the battery. While the pricing for the phone does not look too grim, the $500 price tag will surely not allow it to compete with either the iPhone or Samsung, which find themselves in that very same price range, not to mention the price-dumping Chinese manufacturers, flooding the market with their seductive prices. Anyways, taking company’s general aura of success, which allowed it to become a big name in its industry, maybe the confidence will help their sales! We’re talking here about the fact that the long-time manufacturer of awesome cameras and DSLRs, Kodak – will be releasing its very first try in the smartphone making. The camera (ooopsie, we meant the phone) was given a name “Ektra”. And boy, does it have some extra features in it!

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